Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 30 (4678)
dated August 10, 2023:


Call for applications for the award "Challenge"

"Challenge" is an annual National award in the field of future technologies in the Russian Federation. The award was established by the Fund for the development of scientific and cultural relations "Challenge" with the support of Gazprombank and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and timed to coincide with the Decade of Science and Technology.

The competition for the award "Challenge" is held in four categories:

"Perspective" - for scientific achievement that influenced the dynamics of the development of science and/or future technologies (awarded to scientists under 35 years old);

"Engineering solution" - for an invention that allowed to develop or significantly advance a particular technology;

"Scientist of the year" - for personal contribution to changing the landscape of science and/or technology;

"Breakthrough" - for scientific research that solved an important fundamental problem and/or opened the way to the development of future technologies.

The winner of each of the four nominations will be awarded a cash prize of 10 million rubles. Applications are accepted on the website of the award until 14 September, 2023.

JINR staff members that wish to take part in the competition are kindly requested to contact the Scientific Secretaries of the Laboratories regarding the preparation of applications.

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