Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 16 (4664)
dated April 27, 2023:

What did the newspaper write about that day

50 years ago

Given the interest of our readers in the "cases of bygone days", we are starting a section that will take us back several years or even decades. So, we open the issue of the newspaper "Zakommunizm" - "Dubna: science, commonwealth, progress" dated 27 April, 1973 ...

This year navigation on the Moscow Canal started earlier than usual.
Vessels pass lock No.1. Photo by Yury Tumanov

A group of employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions - B.Aichler (GDR), V.M.Plotko, V.P.Perelygin and Yu.Chuburkov started to develop a technique for chemical extraction of olivine crystals from the iron-stone meteorite "Marjalahti". A part of this meteorite, weighing about 5 kg, handed over by Professor S.Vinck from Helsinki, was delivered to Dubna by the Mongolian JINR employee O.Otgonsuren. Further research on olivine crystals from the meteorite "Marjalahti" would be carried out in cooperation with the Mongolian State University and the University of Helsinki.


The International Seminar on Nonlocal Quantum Field Theory organized by JINR was held in Alushta. Its participants were scientists from JINR Member States, as well as 10 well-known physicists from other countries. "This is already the third seminar dedicated to non-local and essentially nonlinear field theory," Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the seminar, Director of BLTP, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences D.I.Blokhintsev said. - ... Seminars of this type are held only by the Joint Institute. The increase in the number of participants, the abundance of reports, the expansion of the "geography" of institutions of Member States - it's all about the success of such seminars.


The Physical Society of Germany awarded its highest prize the Max Planck Gold Medal for 1973 to the well-known Soviet physicist and mathematician, Director of JINR Academician N.N.Bogolyubov.


Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics D.I.Blokhintsev was awarded a diploma from the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for his work "Space, time, causality in the microcosm", awarded the II prize. This monograph by a well-known Soviet scientist is dedicated to a review of the current state of geometric representations in elementary particle physics.


A delegation of JINR scientists flew to Prague to take part in the seventh Conference on radiochemistry in Marianske Lazne. The delegation included radiochemists from Mongolia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. They were going to make reports on the new work carried out by scientists from the socialist countries at FLNR supervised by Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, winner of the Lenin Prize in Science Ivo Zvara.


A scientific seminar for young employees, trainee researchers and postgraduate students on topical issues of nuclear and elementary particle physics was constantly held at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. Lectures by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences R.N.Faustov were dedicated to the problems of the relativistic quantum theory of bound states. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences R.V.Dzholos read a course of lectures on the topic: "Collective excitations in spherical and transitional nuclei."

Heading leader Irina LEONOVICH

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