Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 16 (4664)
dated April 27, 2023:

Marina Frontasyeva is in the top ten best scientists
in the Russian Federation

The leading scientific platform has published a list of the best scientists of the year 2023 in the field of environmental sciences, in which Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Advisor to Director for applied research and innovation of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR Marina Frontasyeva ranks the 8th among the best scientists in Russia.

The Research.com portal rating was compiled based on the indicator D-index (Discipline H-index) that included articles and citation rates only in the discipline under investigation. Scientists that had at least 30 scientific publications in the field of environmental sciences could get into the rating.

Applied research is vastly carried out in JINR with the lead of Marina Vladimirovna. Under her supervision, scientists study air and water pollution by investigating mosses in the European Union, molluscs in South Africa and others. She is not only a prominent scientist, but also Coordinator of the UN Environment Programme on Air in Europe.

Marina and her colleagues are regular contributors to our newspaper and thanks to their publications, our readers have a broad understanding of the range of activities carried out in the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research at FLNP and about the participants of these investigations.

We congratulate Marina Vladimirovna and wish her further scientific success!

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