Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 20 (4718)
dated May 23, 2024:

Personal dimension

There is energy enough for everything
and this is just the beginning...

There is a saying: "Where you were born, you come in handy". And my fate is a clear confirmation of it. I was born in Dubna. And my whole life is tied up with our beautiful city: kindergarten, school, university and now, work... During my school years, I went to different clubs, attended a volleyball section, a school for conflict management, graduated from a music school with an accordion class and participated in organizing actions of the movement "Nashi", performed at school celebrations.

At the age of 17, I started working, firstly, as a waitress in the Pizzeroni cafe, later, as an operator in the call centre of the Orient Express Bank. A significant contribution to my future, as it turned out, was made by the position of work manager in the electrical shop of OJSC "Energiya-Tenzor". I was able to apply the knowledge I gained in the future.

Among other things, my responsibilities included drawing up scheduled preventive maintenance (SPM) for the boiler and nitrogen shops, the repair and assembly area, as well as the communications and water supply operation shop. A few years later, when an employee that made schedules for the electrical shop retired, her responsibilities were also transferred to me and a couple of years later, they added schedules for lifting equipment. Thus, over the course of ten years, I gradually studied, mastered new skills and eventually became the only specialist that deals with SPM schedules in the Chief Power Engineer's Department.

Besides work, I still have many hobbies.

In 2019, I organized a volleyball section. At first, friends and associates gathered in the sports hall of the city administration "Initiative". Later, the membership changed and over the course of four years, our section expanded and updated. Today, the section is attended by children of different ages, from different organizations of the city. There are JINR employees that have been with us since the first games and until present. In 2021, I learnt about winter swimming. For me, it was both a discovery and a challenge. I never thought that it was easy and difficult at the same time. At first, of course, you are afraid of frostbite, ice holes. If you read the relevant articles and recommendations, then some of the fears and doubts go away. But the first moment of contact of cold water with the skin is impossible not to notice. You can get used to such stress if you practice constantly. Communication also helped. When you learn that all participants feel the cold to one degree or another, you understand that they also do not have some kind of superpower. Today, I am a member of the club "Morzhi Dubna", took part in the competition "Dubna. In the top ten!". It is held in early October on Mendeleyev Embankment. Participants have to swim the maximum number of meters in 10 minutes. The first time I stayed in the water for no more than 40 seconds. The following year, I overcame myself and was able to stay in the water for all 10 minutes. Constant work on myself and practice allowed me to overcome my fears. Classes last all winter, or to be more precise, as soon as the water becomes cool in August, we start swimming, gradually accustoming our bodies to swimming in an ice hole. If anyone wants to join, we gather on weekends at 11:00 AM on Mendeleyevskaya Embankment.

In 2022, I graduated from the School of Personnel Reserve in the Dubna city district, where we were taught to implement projects - from an idea to defending a report in the presence of Head of the city and representatives of the Administration. I learned how to create a financial model, a project passport and set up communications. I especially liked the trainings on team building and leadership. I also learnt about the administrative department of the city, learned about the work of the Dobrodel portal, about indicators and ratings. In the same year, I took part in the competition "Leaders of Russia".

Participation in the school strengthened my desire to continue my studies in a master's programme. In 2023, I entered the Dubna University and currently, I study in the field of Applied Informatics.

That same year, improvisation classes started in Dubna, taught by Anastasia Palyuga and Evgeny Eliseev. There I learned about creating jokes, a variety of games and applying the "make your partner a star" rule. There were many exciting moments. The performance on the Improv ship was especially memorable. I rarely speak in front of an audience and that evening, regular members of our ImproveDubna community were going to perform. There were 90 spectators on the ship, to whom we performed for two hours. We didn't have a prepared text, but in the end, our improvisations caused a lot of applause and smiles from the audience. For the second time, I performed on land, in December, at the reporting concert of the course "Improvisation".

Since June 2023, I have started to take part in organizing events of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR. The first trial event for me was the XXVII Summer Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists "Lipnya-2023". The preparation was interesting and complex; the organizers spared no time and tried to make the most of their knowledge. During the period of preparation and holding the school, we became a real team. After it, I was invited to participate in organizing the Back to Office picnic and the AYSS 2023 conference. The Conference became for me a good experience in communicating with the world of people that are in love with science, ready to give all their power and skills to realize their scientific ideas, people whose scientific interest is much greater than what is provided for by the working hours, that are ready to discuss hypotheses and scientific news.

In November, I took part in the III Congress of Young Scientists with JINR researchers. JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov took part in four sessions, FLNR Scientific Leader Yuri Oganessian answered questions from young scientists in an online broadcast format, FLNR Scientific Secretary Alexander Karpov was the speaker of the session. Members of the AYSS Council met with representatives of other councils of young scientists in Russia and other countries. I felt proud of JINR and my hometown. I saw the prospects and capabilities of our organization, the reaction of other participants to information about JINR.

In 2024, I oversaw the competition "Ideas of the future" that JINR held jointly with the Special Economic Zone of Technical and Innovative Type "Dubna". 32 projects in five areas participated in the competition. I had the opportunity to be among the jury members for schoolchildren in grades 5-8. The work was varied and interesting and the participants presented their projects in an engaging manner.

Today, I have become the first CPED employee in the history of the Institute to be elected to the AYSS Council. In the Council, I represent the interests of young specialists from all-institute divisions, services, departments and I am responsible for cooperation with the Special Economic Zone.

My future is tied up with JINR and AYSS. I hope that I will be able to use my professional and organizational skills for the Institute's employees, to make their work more comfortable, to organize relationship with other organizations and to promote the inflow of young personnel. These are not only my ambitions, my active life position, this activity also includes my gratitude for the opportunity to study, develop and implement my ideas at JINR and in my hometown. I am sure that this is just the beginning and fate will give me many more chances to become useful to society.

Ekaterina KOLOSOVA, CPED Engineer

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