Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 17 (4665)
dated May 4, 2023:

Visit of the Dubna SCC delegation to JINR

In April, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies hosted the specialists of the Dubna Satellite Communications Centre (SCC), the largest teleport in Russia and Eastern Europe.

MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov welcomed the delegation and briefly spoke about the main activities of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, as well as about the fact that for more than 40 years the Dubna SCC has been a reliable partner in all projects for the development of JINR's communication infrastructure. The specialists of the Centre visited the Museum of computer technology located in the MLIT machine hall, learnt about the components of the MICC, including the Govorun supercomputer and also saw how the status of all MICC components was monitored around the clock in the Centre.

Further, the Dubna SCC delegation visited VBLHEP, where they learned about the NICA accelerator complex, the principles of its operation and ongoing research. Together with VBLHEP staff members Alexander Cheplakov and Yury Panebrattsev, the specialists of the Dubna SCC were able to see the MPD experiment building, including the 70-ton superconducting solenoid and walk along the collider tunnel at the time when Dmitry Dryablov spoke about and showed the Booster and Nuclotron accelerators in operation.

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